What Is Gunpowder Used For?
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Brewing Splash Potions
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Crafting Firework Rockets
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Buying Gunpowder From Wandering Merchants
Buying Gunpowder From Wandering Merchants

There are a lot of gunpowder recipes in Minecraft, and most of them are themed around explosive objects. You also need gunpowder to make some potions.

Brew splash potion

You need a powder and a potion of your choice to make a splash potion.

Make a firework rocket

Rockets are used to create beautiful lights in the sky. To make three firework rockets, you need three gunpowder and a piece of paper.

The stars that make fireworks

You can use many different items to create unique firework stars, but the minimum requirement is to choose a powder and a dye.

Make trinitrotoluene

TNT is one of the oldest crafting recipes in Minecraft, including gunpowder; You can use it to detonate a small area on the map. You need five grains of gunpowder and four grains of sand or four grains of red sand to make one block of TNT.

Set fire costs

A fire charge is a good way to fire at the enemy from a distance. To make three incendiary bombs, you need one gunpowder, one gunpowder, one coal or charcoal.

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