She was Chaplin's third wife and was nominated for the 16th Best Supporting Actress. Who is she, this beautiful lady?
Correct Answer: Paulette Goddard
Which beautiful actress won the Oscar for Best Actress for "Long Live Women"?
Which beautiful actress won the Oscar for Best Actress for "Long Live Women"?

Paulette Goddard was born in New York, USA, and is an American actor. She has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and her works include "Modern Times" and so on. At the age of 14, he entered the Siegfried Singing and Dance Ensemble, and later retired from the stage because he married the rich businessman Edgar James. In 1931, after divorce, he entered Hollywood and appeared in films such as "Cross Street" and "Bragg King". Paulette Goddard was born in a poor family, Long Island, New York. The following year he joined Hal Roach Production Company and met Mr. Chaplin in the same year. Chaplin was attracted by her beautiful appearance and extraordinary conversation, and began to train her to act. In 1936, she secretly married Chaplin after starring in "Modern Times", and played "The Great Dictator" in the middle. In 1942, the two divorced. In 1943, she rose to fame with "Slicker" and "Navy Flower", the latter also being nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. "The Merry Lady" starring in 1946 and "The Merry Hostess" co-starred with the third husband, Bugis Medis, were quite successful. In 1948, she and her husband again co-produced the successful film "A Miracle Will Happen" and divorced. In 1949, he withdrew from Paramount after completing the failed film "The Revenge of the Bride". After the 1950s, there were not many performances. In 1958, he retired from the film world after marrying the novelist Remark.Paulette Goddard parents divorced when she was young, she was brought up by her mother, and her father seemed to have evaporated since he separated from them. Pauline has become a star when he reappears. After the death of her father, she only left her an estate of one dollar in the will. Paulette Goddard and her mother had been helped by her grandfather's brother earlier, and it was he who took Paulette Goddard to find a job as a fashion model and joined Broadway to become a Siegfried girl. Pauline Gaudet’s marriage to writer Remarque continued until the death of Mr. Remarque. She inherited his large fortune, including some European assets, including some European contemporary art works. During this period, her chances and ways of accumulating wealth became the laughing stock of Hollywood celebrities at the time. By about 1980, Pauline Godet had become a local social celebrity in New York. Her jewelry and some celebrities went to high-end social places surrounded by celebrities and maintained a good relationship with the artist Andy Warhol. Friendship until his death in 1987.

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